Low frequency, reverberant sound waves can be destructive to the overall sound quality within a listening room or home theater.

Low frequency absorbers trap these sound waves to eliminate "dead spots" or nodes of cancellation.

Fiberglass Triangle Bass Traps

Low frequency energy has a tendency to build up in corners. This will increase the amount of inaccurate bass in the room. Installing corner traps from Cascade Audio Engineering will eliminate corner build up, reducing the amount of affect the room has on the sound.

SS-TT Fiberglass Triangle Bass Trap

Acoustic Cotton Bass Absorber

Economical and functional, cotton bass absorption panels are the absolute highest performing low frequency absorption available. Made from 100% Class A nonflammable material, SS-ACLF is at home behind screens, and in corners.


Triangular Urethane Foam Corner Bass Absorber

Urethane foam bass absorbers are high performance, low cost bass frequency absorbers. They are designed to even out room modes caused by low frequency corner build up.

Urethane Corner Bass Absorber

Round Urethane Corner Bass Absorber

Urethane foam bass absorbers are high performance, low cost bass frequency absorbers. They are designed to even out room modes caused by low frequency corner build up.

Urethane Corner Bass Absorber

 Cascade Audio Engineering  Bend, Oregon USA Phone: 541.389.6821 • Fax: 541.389.5273 • E-mail: sales@cascadeaudio.com
 © 2013 Cascade Audio Engineering, Inc., All rights reserved.






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